Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Final Goodbye from RoseMary

I think every foul, heartbreaking, frustrating thing that could ever be written about the country of Brazil and the state of Rio de Janeiro in particular has been written. . . That is why when I started to write this blog I chose to write about the good things as best I could. Doing so was necessary for me to maintain my sense of humor and mental health. In the last few months I have not been able to blog positively about Brazil. In fact I seem to have lost my sense of creative writing and interest in writing. I also find myself struggling with English as I delve deeper into the Portuguese language. I tried to blog a few times but it all came out wrong and foul and heartbreaking and frustrating.

Ginger has been enthusiastically writing the blog now by herself for many months and I will now turn the reigns over to her by signing off as administrator. It seems only fair. She takes great photos for this blog and for her flower blog, why should I tip the balance into negativity when she has such a lovely thing going.

I wish I could change the name of the blog but I don't have a clue of how to do it and still maintain the readership. As of now I will just move her photo up above mine and make a small addendum to my home page screen. There is a possibility that I will sign on as her guest writer once in a while.

So for now, I thank all the people who have been patient and those who have been loyal readers even when we did not blog. I have enjoyed my online friends and I hope someday to meet some of the readers.

Kisses Always

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Watch Natasha growing up

Natasha is growing up. she is now nine months old. She has a big friendly smile. She now has two front teeth. Like her big sister Annabella, she likes to get dressed up in costumes and pretend she is a princess. Annabella, Natasha's big sister, is eight years old. This winter the whole family moved from Brazil to Bogota, Columbia. During Annabella's break from school, Annabella, Natasha and their mother Kybran, visited friends in California. Annabella got to swim in the Pacific ocean and take surfing lessons. Annabella speaks English and Portuguese and now they will both be learning Spanish.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

meet a new Brazilian

Meet Natasha, she is now 3 months old. She is the youngest daughter of Kurt and Kybran. She is the sister of Annabella, and she is Camillo's newest granddaughter.
Already she can identify her mother and father. She knows when she wants to eat. She likes to stand and bounce on her feet and she smiles at everyone. Natasha is Brazilian but her mother is from the USA. Her father was born in Egypt. He has an Italian passport but he thinks of himself as Brazilian.
Will Natasha grow up to be a ballerina, or a scientist or will she be a school teacher like her mother? Her world is all new and shiny and all her possibilities are in front of her.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Meet Lucia

Lucia is our maid. She has cleaned Camillo's home since it was built 21 years ago. She comes every Monday morning, arriving at 6:30 am, but talks with the gardener and waters the plants before starting on the house. I have never met anyone as efficient or as through as she is. She begins cleaning up in the loft where Camillo's keeps his office and we have the TV and extra beds for the Grandchildren's visits.
She works her way down through the living room, dining, kitchen and out the utility. She cleans windows, dust pictures always leaving them crooked. She cleans inside of cupboards and the refrigerator. If we have had guest over the weekend or a barbecue, she also cleans the guest house and the patio. She is finished by 1:00 pm.
Sometimes she comes and helps me on Saturdays when we have big parties. She has a key to the house and when we travel she comes extra times and keeps track of things for us. One time we did not have electricity for four days while we were traveling and she cleaned the thawed food from the freezer for us. I have great liking and admiration for Lucia.
Isn't she fantastic?

Thursday, March 8, 2007

More about Ewerton

My name is Ewerton. I am sixteen years old. I go to school and have classes in mathematics, portugues, history, philosophy, science and biology. I live in Nilópolis. I have a mother, a step- father, and a brother. I do not have a sister. My mother's name is Luzia.My step-father is Cesa. My brother is Wellington and my father is Emilson.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Meet a Brazilian Party

Centro Cultural Carioca

Traditional Brazilian Music, Brazilian Country Music, Some Samba. Excellent musicians. Everyone will dance the night away.

Every Night - but we especially like Saturdays.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Meet The Ipanema Open Market

Don't miss
the open market
in Ipanema on

Praça General Osorio.

Parsley to lettuce

and more seafood

to a colorful palate of fresh herbs.
We'll see you every Friday!